If your club caters for different disciplines or team levels, like 1st/2nd teams in Football, or belt grades in Karate, you can use Coacha to organise your members accordingly (and save yourself a few headaches!).
To do this, you just need to head to the ‘Member Groups’ section of your account through ‘People’ in the main navigation.
Then, navigate to the ‘Create a new Member Group’ section to the right of the screen and fill in your group’s name e.g. U15s.
Then pick the level of your group. If it’s a new group of its own, it’ll be a top level group. However, if you’re creating a sub-group, for example, General Gymnastics > Level 1, you would select the group you’d like the sub-group to be placed under.
Then you can click ‘Create this Group’.
You’ll be redirected back to the ‘Member Groups’ page, where your new group will appear.
From this screen you can:
1. View members within the groups by clicking ‘View members’
2. Edit/delete a group by clicking the settings cog/trash bin
3. Use the green and blue buttons to arrange your groups in terms of relevancy
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