Sometimes you will need to alter the price of your subscriptions or monthly payments. It may be a small increase compared to the previous year or a change of payment to include other things.
Rather than cancelling everyone's subscription then asking them to resubscribe, you can edit an existing subscription. You also have the option to apply this to all existing plans or just apply the change to new joiners.
Let's look at how we go about changing a plan.
Step 1 - Log into Coacha & head to MONEY > Manage Plans.
Step 2 - Find the plan that you would like to alter and click on the cog.
Everything you need to do to alter a plan is done in your manage plans section, where you will find all of the plans that you have created. You will be able to alter the cost of a plan in this section by clicking on the 'edit' cog:
Step 3 - editing your plan.
When you click on the edit cog, the Edit Payment Plan panel will display the details of the plan you've selected.
Note: This panel usually sits to the right of your plans, however, on some screen sizes and resolutions it may sit below your plan window.
To edit the amount that will be taken on your payment dates, simply change the figure in the 'amount' box. This will then give you some more options:
The new amount you enter will automatically be applied to new subscribers to the plan.
You can also change the amount for students currently paying the old amount on the plan. Select this option if you want all of your existing members to pay the new amount.
There's also the ability to update all members who you may have manually changed in GoCardless or Stripe to the new figure.
Simply tick the box for the updates you wish to make.
Members will be informed of the change in subscription when you hit save.
Then hit SAVE to apply your changes.
NOTE: These changes will be applied when you save them, however, if the change is made when payment collections are already being processed the change may not take effect until the following payment date.
To ensure changes are made in time, please allow a minimum of 3 working days prior to payment date.
The Coacha Team.
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