We have now introduced Staff Timesheets in Coacha.
Understanding how many hours your coaches have worked is often very important. It lets you know how much to pay them and how many hours they are committed to each week / month.
Although not a full accountancy system, it is a useful tool to help you collate your coach hours a little easier.
1. Tracking Coach Time - Coach Attendance
The Timesheet system uses two methods to identify and track coaches time. Classes & Timeslots.
Up until now, coaches added to classes haven't had to be marked as present in Coacha.
That's why we have implemented the new 'Coach Attendance' feature within our registers.
Now, when you look in registers you will see a 'Coaching Team' section at the top.
Simply mark the specific coach who took the class as present!
Note: if you don't mark a coach as having taken the class, then Coacha will automatically add the assigned coaches. This means that if you don't remember to mark a coach it will happen automatically.
Coacha also looks at the Coaches Timeslot system (if enabled) to understand how many timeslots they have worked over a given period.
2. Viewing and exporting Coach Timesheets
The Timesheet feature allows you to export data on coaches hours in just a few clicks.
Head to the coaches profile and then select the final tab - "Staff Timesheet". This will show you the worked hours for both classes and timeslots (121s).
Let's take a look at the features in this section.
1) - Use the date range selector - this will tell you the amount of classes and 121's worked in a given period.
2) Time and hours display.
3) Export panel - select the date range of the export.
4) Select the data you would like to export for this coach - hit Export Timesheet to get a CSV of your data.
Note: depending on your screen size, the export panel may be below the Staff timesheet panel
We hope this simply Staff Time feature is useful to you in collating the important time data for your club.
The Coacha Team
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