You can use Coacha to take bookings for within your club. This feature enables your members to book things like courts, tables, pools, pool lanes, pitches, halls, and much more - anything you need booking really!
This feature is completely customisable and you can tailor it to meet your own specific needs.
01 Where to find this feature?
The venue booking feature can be found in your club settings page. Head to the club settings tab and enable the Venue Bookings section if you would like to take Venue Bookings.
02 Setting up your Venue Bookings
Setting up your Venue Bookings couldn't be easier. We have made this as simple as possible to set up. Here's how...
Step 1 - Enable Venue bookings
Step 2 - Define what is being booked
This is the name of the item or location that you would like to be bookable. This term will be used by the system to tell your members what they are booking. We have pre-filled some of the common items for you, or you can create your own.
Step 3 - Define the booking venue names
Here is where you define what the name of each bookable item. For example If you are renting out courts, the names could be "Court 1", "Court 2", etc.
Step 4 - Payment Settings
Would you like to take a payment when members use this bookable feature? If so, simply tick the 'Enable payment on booking' option and define the payment types you would like to allow people to use. If your members pre-pay via a membership, there is no need to enable this section.
Step 5 - Hit SAVE!
03 Creating Timeslots for your Venue
Now that you have enabled the venue booking system you can create timeslots for members to book. These can be recurring or one off and will begin to build a timeslot system for your venue.
The Bookings Section
When enabled you will see a new menu item in the left hand menu. This will be called *Item name* Bookings - For instance "Court Bookings"
Your Item Timetable
In this section you will find your venue timetable with the timeslots you create, as well as the timeslot creation panel:
Creating a Timeslot
To create a timeslot use the 'Create a new XXXXXX Timeslot' panel found in this section (the XXXXX will be replaced with what you've enabled to be booked, so 'Court' in our example above'.
NOTE: If you are using a smaller screen, this panel will be found below the venue timetable.
Step 1 - Select the start date for your Timeslot to be available
Step 2 - Select the time of the Timeslot
Step 3 - Select the duration of the Timeslot
Step 4 - Is this Timeslot recurring?
If your timeslot is available on multiple days throughout the week you can specify that it recurs every week on those days.
Step 5 - Pick the Venue Item that is available for this Timeslot
Step 6 - Select the price for the Timeslot
Step 7 - Hit "Create Timeslot"
IMPORTANT NOTE : If you are creating a recurring timeslot you will note that it takes a minute or two to create all the timeslots. This is because the system is creating recurring slots for this venue item into the future. Please be patient and wait until you get the "Timeslot Created" message seen in the screen shot above.
Your Venue Timetable
Your venue timetable will display all available time slots that you have created. This is also where you are able to delete or disable timeslots, and book members onto a timeslot.
Enable & Disable a Timeslot
This feature allows you to toggle a Timeslot on or off. This is perfect if you need to cancel the availability of an individual Timeslot or two, but don't want to have to delete all occurrences of the Timeslot.
This will remove the timeslot entirely from the calendar. If a Timeslot becomes withdrawn or permanently unavailable, then this is the best option to use.
04 - Booking a member onto a Timeslot
Admins, Coaches and Members / NOKs can all book members into timeslots. In this section we will see how each of these user groups can book timeslots.
Admins & Coaches
Admins and coaches book members into Timeslots on the Venue Calendar. Simply click on the 'Book a member in' button and this will launch the member booking popup:
Step 1 - Select your member
To book a member in, start typing the member's name in the member box then select them from the list.
Step 2 - Add any guests
You can add other members, or even non members into the booking. All of this will feed into Coacha's 'Track and Trace' features and attendance data, so it's worth keeping this as accurate as possible.
Step 3 - Record payment?
If you have selected to take payment for bookings, you can record cash payments here, request a card payment through Stripe, or collect a direct debit payment through GoCardless.
Step 4 - Click 'Book' to book the member into the Timeslot
Members & NOKs
We have designed the booking process to be as easy as possible for your members and parents / NOKs.
They can use this method on a computer or tablet to book Timeslots at your club.
Note: Venue Booking is not available through the Mobile Apps at this time.
In the menu when your members log in they will see a new section Book a *Item*
When they select this section they will be presented with a step by step process to make a booking.
Please see the member Venue Item Booking guide here for full details on how members can book.
Note: It would be a good idea to send a link to this guide to all of your members.
Thank you,
Coacha Team
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