Why aren’t some of my members receiving broadcasts?
It can be a tricky business running a sports club, especially if your members are minors. Who can you contact? Who do you need to copy in? At what age can you contact members directly?
At Coacha, we take care of all this for you as our broadcast system is built around the NSPCC’s CPSU (child protection in sport unit) guidelines. As long as the correct date of birth (DOB) is input, you will always be contacting your members in accordance with the CPSU guidelines. This means the highest level of safeguarding possible.
There are many cool aspects of our broadcast system that most of you use every single day. We often get praised highly for how sophisticated its safeguarding features are, especially in comparison with other sports club software providers out there.
Sometimes users get in touch stating that ‘some’ of their members haven’t received the email broadcast that they’ve sent out. We always assure our users that Coacha’s broadcast system is very much an ‘all or nothing’ affair; meaning if one person received it, it was sent to everyone.
However, in the case where a member might state they are not receiving your emails, here are some troubleshooting tips:
Step 1
The first thing we normally check is the email address – it sounds silly, but we all know how easy a typo is to make.
Step 2
Sometimes that resolves the issue, other times we move on to tell you to tell the members to check their spam/junk folder. If the email hasn’t been received, 9/10 times it can be found here – despite us configuring the email to avoid spam filters as much as we can, sometimes, depending on individual’s spam settings, they can still hit spam.
If this is the case, we get members to add your email to their safe senders list (if this is a payment request, you use the email address that the request comes from). You can find out how to add to safe senders list below.
Step 3
In some rare circumstances, the email does not appear in the spam folder at all. If this is the case, the problem almost always is that the member has the highest level of spam settings in their email account. They may not even realise because they may have clicked ‘highest security settings’ on setting up the account years ago. The highest security settings don’t even allow spam, so you never see spam hit a spam folder at all.
In this case, it’s down to the member to alter their email settings as we can’t physically get emails into an inbox that doesn’t allow them.
How to add to safe senders
- Look for the address book icon to the left of Settings towards the top right-hand side of the screen.
- Click New Contact
- Complete the information and click Save
- Click Junk from the Home tab in the main navigation
- Click Junk Email Options and Safe Senders
- Paste/type the email address
- Click Ok.
- Click on Contacts on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click Create Contact
- Fill in the information
- Click Save
- Head to Settings > Email > Junk
- Select Junk Email Guard
- Click Safe List
- Enter information and Add
Sometimes if a user ends up in step 3 of the above process, it’s hard for us to be able to assist any further when we can’t actually edit the member’s security settings ourselves. However, we always try our best to help where we can. So, if you’re struggling with anything, make sure you get in touch, so we can help.
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