Any additional coaches within your club can be set up with their very own login and password, free of charge, to grant them access to all of your members’ details. If, for whatever reason, you need to remove a coach from your account, you can do so very easily – all you have to do is delete the coach’s profile, and voila! Access denied.
To delete a coach from your Coacha account, head to ‘Your Members’ under ‘People’ in the site’s main navigation. Then click the ‘Coaches & Admins’ tab.
When the page loads, all of the coaches with access to your Coacha account will appear. Just find the coach you wish to remove and click the ‘Your Profile’ button.
Click the red ‘Delete’ button at the top of the page.
You’ll be asked to make sure you want to remove this coach, so just click ‘Delete’ – but remember, this action cannot be undone!
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