Please note, any problems that the member/parent comes across must be referred to you as the club owner. If you feel Coacha needs to be contacted, you should do so yourself, before then updating the member/parent.
Coacha’s Member Portal allows members/parents access to their own data. They can view/edit/download their own data under GDPR – which is classed as ‘gold standard’ practice by the ICO.
In order for them to access the Member Portal, they need to have a login. You can either:
- request that all members set up their own logins
- allow members to create their own logins when they sign up via the signup form
- individually assign members with a password
This guide will show you how to assign a member login one by one.
Head to People > Your Members > View Profile for the member you want to set a password for.
Age Rules
Coacha is built around NSPCC CPSU guidelines. Meaning no child will ever be contacted when they are underage.
If the member is:
- Below 16: You can only setup a login for the parent
- Between 16 and 18: You can setup a login for one, the other or both the member and NOK
- Over 18: You can only setup the login for the member
Member Login
To setup a login for the member, just underneath the main personal information you will see ‘Allow login’ with a tick box – tick this and then a password field will appear.
If the member is a child, the ‘Allow login’ tick box will display in the Next of Kin section.
Coacha will ask you to set a password for this member/parent. Fill in the fields and click ‘Save’.
You should then inform the member/parent of their log in details. You can quickly and easily send out a broadcast with their log in information and provide them with the Member Portal guide which can be found here.
If the member is also a member within another club, instead of having to set the password, the system will recognise the existing password.
If for some reason you need to change the password, you can click ‘Generate new password’ which will send a random password to the member’s email address.
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